MAKOTI, N.D. (AP) — A Makoti man who became known as the "Flying Farmer" for his car stunts is preparing to fly again.
The Minot Daily News ( ) reports John Smith was a premier stunt performer in North Dakota during the 1990s and early 2000s. He also set a couple of Guinness world records for driving in reverse.
Smith hasn't jumped a car since March 2003, but he's planning to jump over a burning mobile home this afternoon in Makoti.
His last jump consisted of launching at over 80 mph from an eight foot wide, 30 foot long ramp set at 11 degrees. He flew 92 feet in the air before crashing through a stack of eight automobiles.
Smith said he was inspired by Evel Knievel while growing up. When he was in high school, he would secretly take his father's 1974 Chevrolet pickup out for jumps. After graduation, Smith entered a jump contest at the state fair, and won.
"This jumping career has come full circle," said Smith.
Smith says he'll be a lot more nervous for Sunday's jump than he used to be, but that he is certain attendees will be entertained.
"This jump is nerve-wracking because I haven't done it in so long. It's just terrible how hard they hit," he said.