Play the lottery while pumping gas
Posted: July 18, 2015 - 4:00am
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — At nearly every gas station in North Carolina, you can pay at the pump. Thanks to the N.C. Education Lottery, motorists can now play at the pump as well.
A new service offered by the education lottery will allow players to enter Powerball, Mega Millions or Carolina Cash 5 while pumping gas.
Customers swipe a debit card at the pump to get numbers for the next drawing in one of the jackpot games. They get a receipt with their lucky numbers and also can get a text of their lucky numbers and a text if they win. Credit cards are not accepted.
Wins up to $599 are credited to the player's debit card. Players pay a $1 transaction fee to the company providing the service to cover the cost.