Shortcut to school bus leads to citation
Posted: March 26, 2017 - 4:00am

WEST HARWICH, Mass. (AP) — Police in Massachusetts have served a sixth-grader with no-trespass orders after neighbors grew wary of the girl cutting through their properties to get to and from her school bus stop.
The mother of 11-year-old Autumn Blanchard tells the Cape Cod Times ( ) her daughter received three pink no-trespass notices from the Harwich Police Department on March 2. Krystal Blanchard says she was unaware neighbors had an issue until the police arrived at her door. She questioned why she wasn't informed by the neighbors.
Autumn says the cut-through shortened her route and she "just wanted to get home and be warm."
But one neighbor says she was previously sued because a girl fell in her yard and became concerned when she saw Autumn climbing over debris from a fallen tree.