IRS scam resurfaces

Last updated: January 15, 2016 - 5:27pm

BRIAR CREEK TWP. — Scam artists have hit this township, pretending to be calling for the U.S. Treasury, police say.

Officer Jared Noss said police here have received reports from two people called by the con man, whose number on caller ID showed as 443-769-1745, in Maryland. The Press Enterprise also received several reports of the fraudulent calls purporting to come from Washington State.

The caller was a man with an Indian accent who gave his name as Steve Modern, Noss said. “Modern” told the residents they were being targeted in an enforcement action by the U.S. Treasury because of issues regarding their taxes.

When callers played along, the man gave them another number to call back. A woman answered that number, but she hung up on the residents when they questioned her closely.

Anyone who receives such calls should hang up or call local police, Noss said.

The Internal Revenue Service doesn’t call or e-mail people when it first investigates tax issues; it contacts taxpayers through the mail.

It also never demands immediate payment and always gives taxpayers a chance to appeal the amount it says they owe.

It will not require taxpayers to use a specific payment method, such as a prepaid debit card, nor will it ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone.

The IRS also won’t threaten to have taxpayers arrested for not paying.

Susan Schwartz covers the Berwick area. She can be reached at 570-752-3646 and, or followed on Twitter at


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