BU Master Plan Executive Summary

Last updated: April 9, 2014 - 6:44am

Click below to learn more about Bloomsburg University's 20-year Master Plan. The $909 million plan calls for Campus Master Plan1234561. New housing at bookstore site. Bloomsburg wants to demolish the bookstore building - which contains the store, the police station, and a few academic uses and build in its place "suite-style" housing for underclassmen. The first floor of the building would contain retail space, the upper floors room for 360 beds, said Eric Ness, associate vice president for facilities management. Back to map.2. New police station/telephone switch/backup internet connection. To make way for the bookstore building demolition, the master plan calls for BU to build an annex onto the rear of the Andruss Library that would house the police and some of BU's key infrastructure, which is now housed in Waller Administration Building. Back to map.3. Rebuild Waller with mixed academic/administrative use. The front section of the building would contain the art, history and language academic departments now housed in Old Science, which is slated for demolition under the plan. The rear section would contain the administrative functions like the budget office now contained in the building. The plan also calls for many of the offices in the Warren Student Services, like the admissions office, to be housed there. Back to map.4. Build Penn Village. The demolition of Old Science would clear the way for the beginning of a complex of student housing near Penn Street. The master plan calls for three buildings to be built in that area that would combine with a renovated Montour Hall to form a student housing "village" that if completed could house more than 700 students. To complete this section of the plan, the Kehr Student Union would have to be demolished. Back to map.5. Build new student union. With the demolition of the bookstore building, and the potential demolition of Kehr Union to make way for more on-campus beds, the master plan calls for construction of a new Student Union where the current Warren Student Services Center is. The union would provide space for dining and meeting, along with offices for student organizations. It would also become the new home for the bookstore. Back to map.6. Build Swisher Village. Besides the development along Penn Street, the master plan calls for the school to look at turning the commuter lot behind Andruss Library into a on-campus residential area. If completely built, it could contain 670 beds. Back to map.
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