Lawmaker wants potty-mouth police officers fired
Posted: October 3, 2013 - 12:00pm

BOSTON (AP) -- A Massachusetts legislator has proposed a bill that would punish police officers for swearing or using racial slurs while dealing with the public. Officers could even lose their jobs under the bill proposed by Springfield Democrat Benjamin Swan, which is scheduled to be discussed in committee on Thursday. Co-sponsor Paul Heroux tells the Boston Herald police are public servants and it's unprofessional and "beneath the dignity" of officers to use bad language toward the people they represent. The Attleboro Democrat says the bill reinforces good police practice. Wayne Sampson, executive director of the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association, calls it "radical legislation" that is too broadly written. Everett Chief Steve Mazzie, president of Major City Chiefs, says he's concerned that exemplary officers could be fired over one bad word.