Latest by Gloria Yoder

Published on October 17, 2024 - Page 8
A huge change has unfolded in our house. Our five oldest children, grades one through seven, are in school. Yes, there are lots of feelings in the...
Published on October 10, 2024 - Page 8
Good morning from South Dakota! When things fell into place to go see my sister, Faith, and her husband and son, we were elated. On Thursday...
Published on October 3, 2024 - Page 8
I walked next to Julia, we each had a roller suitcase and backpack and were pushing our way through throngs of people. I scanned the signs ahead. Yes...
Published on September 19, 2024 - Page 8
We were getting closer to the end of our trip -- closer than I dared think about too much. I was rejuvenated from the cares of everyday life and...
Published on September 12, 2024 - Page 8
I never thought I'd get to go out West until our friend Mandy offered to host us in Colorado. A year or two before Daniel passed he told the...
Published on August 22, 2024 - Page 8
I have those moments that just make me smile. There are little reminders of Daniel and his absolute dedication to us. Though he is deeply missed,...
Published on July 25, 2024 - Page 8
Summer is in full swing. It's not my favorite season, but I never would want to do without it. Just this afternoon, Joshua came running up to me...
Published on July 18, 2024 - Page 8
I am amazed by how much life changes and how little I find out about those shifts on a day-to-day basis. This past weekend we had the opportunity of...
Published on July 4, 2024 - Page 8
It's a brand new day; I'm still blinking the sleep from my eyes. In a thousand guesses, you'd probably still be guessing what alarm clock I had this...
Published on June 27, 2024 - Page 8
Are you familiar with Amish ordinations? An ordination is a service where a new minister, deacon or bishop is ordained. We have several examples in...