Latest by Jonathan Fahey

Published on June 9, 2015 - Page 7
NEW YORK — American Pharoah’s owners and thoroughbred racing now have a new race to run: A race to capitalize on the horse’s Triple Crown victory...
Published on December 13, 2014 - Page 7
NEW YORK — So you think you are finally getting one over on the gas stations as you pay well under $3 a gallon for the first time in four years?...
Published on June 20, 2014 - Page 1
Violence in Iraq is helping to make gasoline in the U.S. more expensive, depriving drivers of the usual price break between Memorial Day and July 4th...
Published on November 22, 2012 - Page 35
NEW YORK — Gasoline prices are the highest ever for a Thanksgiving weekend. Assuming you’re not taking a sleigh over the river and through the woods...