Latest by Martha Irvine
Published on November 1, 2019 - Page 8
The number of young Americans watching online videos every day has more than doubled, according to survey findings released this week. They’re glued...
Published on January 15, 2019 - Page 8
BELLEVUE, Wash. — The young men sit in chairs in a circle in a small meeting room in suburban Seattle and introduce themselves before they speak. It...
Published on March 7, 2016 - Page 6
CHICAGO — As the sun rises, the glowing lights in the huge rooftop greenhouse dim. Here, lettuce never sleeps. It grows, quickly — much more quickly...
Published on January 3, 2016 - Page 25
Are you happy? Very happy? If you’re in your 30s or older, a new study has found you’re less likely to answer “yes” than your parents were. The...
Published on October 26, 2014 - Page 33
Genevieve Liu sits back in bed each night, still thinking of her father. He used to sing the same song to his children at bedtime, often before he’d...
Published on May 4, 2014 - Page 29
EVANSTON, Ill. —They’re called leggings —popular fashion items that are tight-fitting pants to some, and glorified tights to others. Younger girls...
Published on September 22, 2013 - Page 33
Certainly in pop culture, pushing the limits of what’s considered appropriate is hardly new. In the 1970s, comedian George Carlin joked about “The...
Published on August 4, 2013 - Page 29
No parent here has rushed onto a playing field to jump a referee who made an unpopular call. No adult has gotten angry and slugged or pushed a coach...
Published on May 5, 2013 - Page 9
CHICAGO — You’ve probably never heard of Holly Peterson or Jonathan Jean-Pierre. One came out as a lesbian at age 15, when she was playing high...
Published on April 14, 2013 - Page 29
Keep computers in a common area so you can monitor what your kids are doing. It’s a longstanding directive for online safety — but one that’s quickly...